Survival Checklist
- Set clear expectations for classroom and rehearsal behavior.
- Implement a transparent system for evaluation/grading.
- Involve parents and student leadership: Form a booster group to assist with fundraising and logistical planning.
- Liaise with school administrators/the school board about funding, supplies, and potential upcoming trips and festivals.
- Plan the year-long curriculum in advance and in your calendar include items such as parent-teacher conferences, pep band performances, competitions, and travel.
- Develop contacts at local music stores for instrument/equipment purchase and maintenance.
- Build a band Web site that will allow you to keep parents, students, and administrators up-to-date on your program’s achievements and upcoming events.
- Select a variety of repertoire (from “reassuring” to “challenging”).
- Establish a peer mentoring system for multi-level classes.
- For the sanity of both you and your students, maximize efficiency in the classroom and minimize extracurricular rehearsals.
- Continue to perform music and attend concerts independent of your school program.
- Seek out peers from whom you can learn and gain assistance.
- Be realistic about what you can and cannot achieve.