MAC Corner

  • The Director’s Toolbox – A Guide for Young Band Directors in Repertoire Selection

    Craig Aarhus | June 9, 2024Young band directors face many musical and administrative challenges early in their careers.  The learning curve is steep, and the first few years can seem overwhelming. However, with patience and determination, young directors can fill these gaps in knowledge quickly and become confident educators. Selecting appropriate literature is one of the more significant challenges young […] Read More...
  • How to be a Nice Pest!

    Lafe Cook | April 8, 2024Be an Unapologetic Advocate! As a director of a music program, it can often feel like you show up each morning with an excitement for teaching and connecting kids with music, only to end up in a series of daily “battles.” One of the most deflating of these battles is the simple justification for your […] Read More...
  • Bingeworthy! The Wondrous Culture of Obsessive Practicers

    Dr. Angela Ammerman | December 11, 2023You know how when you watch an incredible show, you can’t resist watching the next episode, and the next one, and the one after that? Before you know it, you have binge-watched the entire series in one night? Well, this is what music is like for some of us. Unfortunately, very few of our students […] Read More...
  • Tuneful Teaching from the Start

    Mike Lawson | October 15, 2023We can all agree it is essential to learn to play a single note, fingered correctly with focus and clarity. Clearly that is a part of the journey for young musicians. But I have concluded that few students join a school music program for that single purpose. They gravitate to music because they want to […] Read More...
  • Creating a Music Classroom Where Everyone Can Succeed

    Dr. David Pope | August 20, 2023Welcome to the new school year! If you are like other teachers around the country, you are disappointed summer break is ending. However, you are filled with excitement to start a new school year and meet your new students. In instrumental music classrooms, new students can be novice players who are learning viola, saxophone, or […] Read More...
  • Recruitment and Retention Tips

    Dr. Charles T. Menghini | June 11, 2023As soon as school is out for the summer, use this 10-step approach to having your best recruitment year yet. 1. If not already done, meet with your administrator and set the dates for the 2023-24 recruitment season. 2. Contact your music dealer and inform them of your dates and discuss ways they can assist […] Read More...
  • Conducting Your Way to Better Classroom Management

    Dr. Sarah Labovitz  | February 19, 2023In 1977, educational theorist Jacob Kounin published Discipline and Group Management in Classrooms. According to his observations, there was not a noticeable difference between how good and bad teachers responded to disruptive students in their classrooms. He hypothesized a proactive approach to discipline and instruction is what separated the more successful ones from their peers […] Read More...
  • The Ten Commandments of Programming

    Cheryl Floyd | December 15, 2022Repertoire selection is among the most important respon- Thou shalt program pop music sparingly. Of course, sibilities for all band, choir, and orchestra music educators. there are certain times when pop music is appropriate We have the freedom to make choices based on our groups’ such as pep rallies, football games, spring concerts, abilities, preferences, and […] Read More...
  • 5 Smart Ideas to Help Retain (This Year’s) Beginners

    Marcia Neel | April 2, 2022The S.M.A.R.T. approach focuses instruction and experience around success, modeling, activities, reflection, and trust as these five elements seem to bring our newbies back for more.  Success Our beginners really want to be successful; their parents want them to be successful, and of course, we also want our students to be successful so what must […] Read More...
  • The Impact of a Great Teacher – Student Relationship

    Dr. Charles T. Menghini | February 23, 2022I’m at that point in life when I look back and try to figure out who those people were that helped me make it along the way. Those people who were responsible for my growth and development as a young trumpet player, student, teacher, husband and human being. In taking inventory, I find my parents […] Read More...
  • Programming to Get the Most Out of Your Concert Assessment Concert Cycle

    Sarah Labovitz  | December 18, 2021“Concert and Sight-Reading Evaluation,” “Concert Contest,” “Large Group Evaluation,” whatever name it goes by in your state, many directors find themselves programming for a capstone performance during the spring in front of a panel of judges. Whether the result of this performance is a rating or a ranking, it is often enough to make our […] Read More...
  • Rebuilding the Culture

    Dr. Charles T. Menghini | August 13, 2021Hopefully we are coming out of the pandemic and school bells will not ring hollow as classes begin in the fall. Despite some upticks in Covid variants, the news is positive as more and more reports indicate students and teachers will be back in school. For those who have been in class during this time, […] Read More...
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