From the Trenches: Dear Santa…

Mike Lawson • Features • December 18, 2007

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If you are like most music educators, by the time you read this you will be on holiday break. Midwest Band has come and gone. Music for All’s Bands of America program has crowned LD Bell High School (Texas) the new Grand National Champion. And you are now diving into the stack of magazines that has been piling up on the floor by your desk for the past four months.

To provide you with a little mental break and back by popular demand is my annual letter to Santa asking to deliver what I believe will be meaningful presents to many girls and boys (naughty and nice) so they may use these gifts to prosper in the New Year!

Let’s start with gifts for• PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES!



  • Mike Huckabee #1 My Name and Address. If he is serious about “deploying weapons of mass instruction” (meaning musical instruments), then I want to be Secretary of Defense!
  • Hillary Clinton A Bucket. She has admitted herself she cannot carry a tune, but this has not stopped her from promoting her support for arts education. So the least we can do is give her a little help!
  • John Edwards and Bill Richardson


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