This month launches our fifth annual music student essay scholarship program. We have selected the theme, “Tell Us What The National Anthem Means To You,” in concert with The National Anthem Project sponsored by MENC, to help celebrate America’s heritage and support music education within our schools. The Project is a three year undertaking to renew national awareness of the patriotic traditions within the USA and will include major singing celebrations at schools, professional sporting events and local venues. The program to get America singing will culminate with the world’s largest performance of “The Star Spangled Banner” in the Baltimore/Washington area.
The essay contest will award ten $1,000 scholarships to students ranging from grades four through twelve with equivalent value music products to the student’s school music programs by co-sponsors Alfred Publishing, Hershey’s Fundraising, Yamaha Corporation of America, and Avedis Zildjian Co.
A four-color poster, suitable for display on your school bulletin board, is available with this issue of SBO. The entry rules and application are also available on our Web site,, click on “Essay Contest 2005.”