UpClose: Overcoming “Non-Musical” Challenges A Chat With Dr. Tim Lautzenheiser

Mike Lawson • Archives • October 18, 2006


Assuming that most who choose to pursue a career in music education have a genuine interest in, and passion for, exposing young minds to the rich world of music performance and scholarship, why do so many cease teaching – often after a relatively short span of time? Is it the pay? The workload? Bureaucratic hassles? Something else, altogether?

SBO recently sat down with Dr. Tim Lautzenheiser, noted educator, lecturer, composer, author, and advocate for music education, to learn what he feels are the biggest challenges facing music teachers. Dr. Lautzenheiser outlined what he views to be the primary issues which deter educators from sticking with their chosen vocation and stressed that virtually all of these "problem areas" have little-to-nothing to do with actually teaching music.


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