While grant writing can be quite a challenge, the payoff can be monumental. Just ask our panelists. These music educators have seen their share of rejection in applying for grants, but they didn’t let that stop them – and neither should you. SBO asked these seasoned veterans about the trials and tribulations they encountered on the path to securing music funding and the invaluable lessons they learned along the way.
Meet the Grant Writers:
Robert Klevan
Monterey Jazz Festival Jazz Education director
Monterey, Calif.
Dr. Robert Klevan is the Jazz Education director for the Monterey Jazz Festival and conducts the wind ensemble and big band at the University of California at Santa Cruz. For 27 years, Dr. Klevan served as director of Music and Fine Arts at the Stevenson High School in Pebble Beach and is currently the past president of the California Music Educators Association, MENC.
Andrea Mauch
Director of Development, Wisconsin Foundation for School Music
Waunakee, Wis.
Andrea Mauch received her Bachelors degree in Voice from Lawrence University and Music Education certification from University of Wisconsin at Whitewater.