Australia Pledges to Give Every Young Student Arts Education

Mike Lawson • News • July 12, 2012

The Sydney Morning Herald recently reported great news for Australian arts advocates – every student in the country’s school system will now study dance, drama, media arts, and visual arts until they’re 10. The Sydney Morning Herald recently reported great news for Australian arts advocates – every student in the country’s school system will now study dance, drama, media arts, and visual arts until they’re 10. Officials with the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) claimed that research had showed music programs in disadvantaged schools to boost the classroom participation of students and self-esteem to the point where it seemed to make sense to make the dramatic change in arts administration. Administrators also point to the country’s $30 billion creative arts field as a fertile field of employment opportunities.

Read the full story at the Sydney Morning Herald.

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