This second volume of Professional Piano Teaching is designed to serve as a basic text for a second-semester or upper-division piano pedagogy course. It provides an overview of learning principles and a thorough approach to essential aspects of teaching intermediate to advanced students.
Divided into 10 chapters, this book presents a wealth of information on teaching principles and skills and provides the step-by-step means to apply them. Special features include discussions on how to teach, not just what to teach; numerous musical examples; chapter summaries; and suggested projects for new and experienced teachers.
Topics include: Teaching students beyond the elementary levels • An overview of learning processes and learning theories • Teaching transfer students • Preparing students for college piano major auditions • Teaching rhythm, reading, technique, and musicality • Researching, selecting, and presenting repertoire • Developing stylistic interpretation of repertoire from each musical period • Developing expressive and artistic interpretation and performance • Motivating students and providing instruction in effective practice • Teaching memorization and performance skills. (452 pages) $59.99