All National Music Hosts Virtual ‘PreFormance’ National Clinics

Mike Lawson • News • January 8, 2021

All National Music, in conjunction with the RWS Music Company, will hold the PreFormance National Clinics Virtual Preparation Festivals on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from January 25 to March 4, 2021.

This series will feature high school and middle school bands, choirs, orchestras, jazz bands, and flex ensembles from around the U.S., broadcast virtually from their home stages and rehearsal hall performance locations. This event, in conjunction with All National Music’s Festivals Plus+ Virtual Events, features a top adjudication panel from world class music educators, directors, composers and musicians.

The 2020-21 panel of qualified includes Robert W. Smith and other featured clinicians from RWS Music Company, as well as other national adjudicators.

The PreFormance Clinics focus on preparing each ensemble for their own state MPAs or performance events. Each ensemble will experience performing in a national adjudicated music setting virtually and have exclusive clinic sessions with judges and composers via video conference and more as they prepare their program for further performances and rehearsals for the upcoming concert season.

This special event includes Concert Performance Adjudication from an exceptional panel of qualified judges in areas of music performance. Ensembles can also elect to have additional clinic adjudication and feedback from conductor panelist as well as sectional and/or instrument/voice specific specialist. Ensembles will perform “LIVE” by classification via virtual video presentation to the video call or a prerecorded video submission. Directors will present from their own home rehearsal hall or stage.

For those playing a publication from RWS Music, the RWS Music Company is happy to offer the royalty-free use of any title from their catalog to any school or community-based ensemble for streaming performance in a virtual concert setting. Also, if you are performing a publication from RWS Music, your ensemble receives $50 performance credit from All National Music in our PreFormance National Clinic registration.

In addition, a virtual awards presentation will be shared, as well as a press kit and social media promotion for the performing ensembles. This technology will help each school ensemble promote their ensembles online and with local media – a great showcase for the school program and director. Finally, a video conference with judge’s commentary will be available online and for download post-performance, as well as adjudication score sheets, and each specific judge’s audio commentary files. All registration and information is here.

“I’d like to personally invite you to be a part of the very first PreFormance National Clinics from All National Music in partnership with RWS Music Company,” shares Doug Brasell, CEO, All National Music. “We want to help school music programs succeed and become better through this preparation format for the local and state MPAs and performance events. We wanted to create an environment to support music education, directors, their student musicians, and communities – tying in performance, education, technology and giving the students an opportunity to perform on a national stage virtually while gaining meaningful feedback from top adjudicators across the country. This virtual environment will be something we will provide for all music performing ensembles in our new event series for 2020-21, Festivals Plus+.”

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