Buffet Crampon USA has announced the launch of a new Q&A series held via Facebook Live. These sessions will take place every Tuesday and Thursday at 2p.m. EST, and will run through the end of April.
Below is the schedule for the web broadcasts:
Thursday, April 9 – B&S: World-class tubas and the history behind them with Declan Lynch https://www.facebook.com/BandS.Markneukirchen/
Tuesday, April 14 – B&S Trumpets – An Historic Deep Dive and Q&A with Warren Kus https://www.facebook.com/BandS.Markneukirchen/
Thursday, April 16 – Buffet Crampon and Keilwerth Saxophones: What are the differences? with Matt Vance https://www.facebook.com/BuffetCramponParis/
Tuesday, April 21- Antoine Courtois New York Series Trombones with Declan Lynch https://www.facebook.com/AntoineCourtoisParis/
Thursday, April 23 – Hans Hoyer – Heritage Series and Q&A with Warren Kus https://www.facebook.com/HansHoyerBrass/
Tuesday, April 28- Buffet Crampon, Rigoutat and Schreiber Double Reeds with Matt Vance and Laurie Orr https://www.facebook.com/BuffetCramponParis/
Thursday, April 30- Besson Brass – Brass Band British Invasion! with Warren Kus https://www.facebook.com/BessonBrass/
Everything you wanted to know Buffet Crampon professional clarinets with Matt Vance (Originally broadcast Tuesday 4/7/20) is currently available to view at https://www.facebook.com/BuffetCramponParis/