
  • Join the Team That is Your School: Be a Teacher-Leader

    Cory Swanson | November 1, 2023Imagine you have a loaf of bread. This loaf is finite, it has borders. There’s only so much bread. You can tear off a piece and use it. Sometimes you get something back for your bread, sometimes you waste it.   Now, shift this analogy to your political capital: in your school, in your district, […] Read More...
  • Five Tips to Master Your New Music Director Role

    Adrian Gordon | November 1, 2023You got the music director gig—congratulations! You are about to step into a great new working environment that promises to be a step up from what you were doing before. But now what? Here are some helpful tips for gaining mastery over your new music director role. Communicate Your Vision Communicating your vision to your […] Read More...
  • The Sin of Ignoring the Role of Silence

    Richard Floyd | October 15, 2023What is the big deal about silence? Our hands go up, our hands come down, and the music starts. Then one of our goals, among many, is to make sure no one plays in a rest, and we all achieve unified silence at the end of the final measure. As the music unfolds, we navigate […] Read More...
  • Silent Practice

    Thomas Palmatier | July 16, 2023At this year’s NAMM show, many vendors had instruments or accessories that would enable musicians to practice without bothering neighbors (or family members). When I was growing up practicing a sousaphone that probably sounded like whales dying, our home was in the country with the nearest neighbor a mile away. That’s certainly not the reality […] Read More...
  • Saxophone Tone Quality, Part Two

    Dr. Richard A. Schwartz | July 16, 2023In the first installment of this article, I discussed the importance of the reed and mouthpiece to produce a mature classical saxophone tone. In this installment, I will discuss additional factors. Ligatures A good ligature is necessary to hold the reed against the table of the mouthpiece. It is believed by several saxophonists the ligature […] Read More...
  • Teaching by Ear, Learning by Heart Creative Musical Arts at New England Conservatory – Part 1

    NEC | July 16, 2023I was fortunate to have been brought up in a musical environment that emphasized listening first. As a young Suzuki violin student, my teacher made me learn every piece by ear before looking at the music. I was also required to work on daily sightreading and rhythm exercises and to study music theory and history. […] Read More...
  • Finish Strong

    Dr. Matthew Arau | May 11, 2023In high school, as a member of the track and field team, I specialized in the 800-meter race. The final curve and last 100 meters could make or break the race. Did I have enough reserves in my tank to accelerate and kick it all the way to the finish line or had I spent […] Read More...
  • Perceiving All Rhythms Literally is a Sin

    Richard Floyd | March 13, 2023If there is a component of music that might be perceived as unquestionably measurable it would be rhythm. Certainly, rhythmic notation appears to be fixed, exact, and finite. A quarter note is a quarter note, an eighth note is an eighth note, and so on. Do the math, match rhythmic notation with a metronome marking […] Read More...
  • Three Questions to Ask to Build a Strong Music Program at Your School

    Adrian Gordon | March 13, 2023Building a strong music program at a school is a desire of every music educator. We understand the power and influence of music in our own lives and ultimately want to see it continue for the next generation. But during the daily grind, we can easily lose sight of the bigger picture: our professional purpose. […] Read More...
  • Lead Before You Lead

    Dr. Matthew Arau | February 19, 2023February and March are busy times with festivals and concerts, and it is also a time where students begin to look ahead to leadership auditions in the spring and summer. Leadership applications may include essays, an interview, letters of recommendation, a performance audition, teaching a peer, and possibly even a service project. While the actual […] Read More...
  • I Want to Add Mariachi to My School’s Music Program. Where Do I Start?

    Jaimie L. Abney-Giraldo | January 15, 2023SBO+: This is the first in a series of articles about how to start a mariachi program from scratch, especially for educators with no background in the genre. You’ve seen the research, you’ve read the anecdotes and success stories, and you’ve analyzed your school’s demographic trends and student interest. You even have the support of […] Read More...
  • What Are You Looking For?

    Dr. Matthew Arau | November 13, 2022November is here and with that comes the changing colors of the falling leaves, cooler, crisper temperatures, and in the United States, a day to specifically focus on gratitude – Thanksgiving. Student leaders can expand on this one special day and create a month of gratitude. The great thing about focusing on something for a […] Read More...
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