Musical Theater

  • Sound Advice

    Mary Gray | June 9, 2024You are fortunate if your theatre group’s performance venue has a good sound system.  However, even if your stage has a decent amplifier and speakers, it likely does not have appropriate microphones or a mixing board with enough channels for theatre and especially musical theatre. Here are some things you might need: Microphones Some theatres […] Read More...
  • Do Kids Need Stage Makeup?

    Mary Gray | January 8, 2024If you’ve ever wondered if young actors really need to wear makeup on stage, the short answer is yes.  The very bright lights on stage can give actors without makeup a very ghostly or sickly appearance. This is especially true for kids with light skin, but makeup can improve the look for any skin shade. […] Read More...
  • Basic Tips For Young Actors

    Mary Gray | July 16, 2023People may think acting is easy and anyone can do it, but in fact it is a skill that takes time and effort to learn.  Here are some basic tips that may be useful for the next generation of young actors and youth theatre directors: FOCUS/CONCENTRATION Both during rehearsals and performances, an actor needs to […] Read More...
  • Rehearsing with Kids and Teens

    Mary Gray | June 12, 2023In a typical adult rehearsal for a musical, the actors are told rehearsals are twice a week from 8 to 11 PM, with maybe an additional rehearsal once a week for lead roles only. Everyone shows up at about the assigned time and sits around studying their lines until they are needed on stage.  Anyone […] Read More...
  • Managing Props for Your Theatrical Production

    Mary Gray | April 2, 2023There are two types of props (or properties): hand props and set props. The hand props are carried on and off stage by the actors (example: an umbrella, a cane). The set props are part of the set (example: a clock, a vase). The duties of the prop person are twofold: first, place any properties […] Read More...
  • Why Kids Need Theatre

    Mary Gray | February 19, 2023I’ve been directing children’s theatre for the past twenty-five years, and I have a stack of letters, notes, and printed out emails from parents and former students telling me all about the incredible benefits they or their kids received from participating in theatre. And I have myself seen how theatre can visibly affect the personality […] Read More...
  • Directing Kids

    Mike Lawson | January 15, 2023Directing kids (actors under sixteen) is an art that differs from directing an adult cast.  You are a teacher in addition to a director. You may have some kids who are naturals and need very little coaching and others who need to have the basics of stagecraft constantly reiterated.  Here are some suggestions: Audition carefully […] Read More...
  • Musicals for Middle Schools

    Mary Gray | December 15, 2022It all started when my kids were around ten years old and wanted to audition for a musical to be put on in a town near ours. At that time, I was a professional singer/songwriter, and I had also written some short stories and a novel. I volunteered to help with the show and soon […] Read More...
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