
  • Fabulous Middle School Band Rehearsal Techniques

    Mike Lawson | August 11, 2017

    The following is an article that encompasses middle school band rehearsal techniques, specifically how our staff at Waukee Middle School, Iowa, collaborates on teaching students how to get into the details of the music to create the most fulfilling musical experience.

  • Simple, Effective Organization That Works!

    Mike Lawson | October 6, 2016

    Are you tired of handing students the same piece of music over and over again? What I tried with limited and poor results: I spent three years teaching band in a Title I school outside Atlanta, Georgia. My student’s, were excited about band, loved to play, but every day I was reinventing the wheel by redistributing music that was lost or supposedly “stolen.” It was time consuming and frustrating. I recognized my students dealt with a great deal of disorganization and general chaos in their home life that naturally carried over into the school. While I was empathetic, I still needed to solve two problems to maximize my teaching time and teach students how to organize and take control for themselves. Problem one: organizing materials for class and home use, and problem two getting lost materials back to the student who owned them.

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