Today, Conn-Selmer, Inc. launches a completely new digital solution to include professional development tools for educators, online learning programs, and digital event management strategies for both music industry professionals and local educational communities.
To facilitate this initiative and the expansion of these online learning programs, training, consulting, event management solutions, and professional development tools for educators and music industry partners, the company has chosen Elisa Janson Jones to take the helm as their new Senior Manager of Online Learning. Elisa will expand available support and training for Conn-Selmer’s dealer network and also ensure the Division of Education’s online initiatives are actively serving and growing the instrumental music industry around the globe.
Over the last few months, Conn-Selmer has been testing the expansion of its Division of Education to include new online support and services for music educators and professional organizations within the music industry. The company recently transformed its annual Conn-Selmer Institute (CSI) into a completely online multi-day event, renamed CSI Connect, and served over 2,000 attendees from all fifty states and twelve countries. Just two weeks ago they set aside $1 million dollars to aid instrumental music budgets seeking to purchase large school-owned instruments typically “shared” across multiple students and ensembles.
Now, Conn-Selmer is adding new online learning solutions as a service to instrumental educators asking for increased help and resources as they navigate a hybrid and ever-changing educational landscape.
“I am very excited to join Conn-Selmer’s outstanding team of industry leaders and music education professionals,” shares Jones. “As we all begin to navigate this new virtual landscape both within music manufacturing and music education worldwide I look forward to fostering new relationships and pushing the boundaries of how we support our various partners and communities.”
To learn more about Conn-Selmer’s CSI Connect workshops, educational clinician network, stimulus funding, or new online learning programs, visit