The International Songwriting Competition (ISC) named Helsingborg, Sweden-based Maria Smith and Victor Thell, who comprise the Swedish folk-pop dua Smith & Thell, along with Peter Kvint, as the Grand Prize winners for 2020.
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This year’s Grand Prize goes to the The Swedish folk-pop duo Smith & Thell (comprised of Maria Jane Smith and Victor Thell) and Peter Kvint, one of the most sought-after songwriters and producers in Sweden. Smith & Thell met as teenagers at a music event in their hometown of Helsingborg, a coastal town in southern Sweden and began to write songs together, both for themselves and other artists. Their winning song “Goliath” delivers a message of hope, determination, and perseverance. Although the song was written in response to a year that was particularly challenging for them personally, the song’s impassioned themes are universally shared in light of recent events throughout the world. They described “Goliath” as their anthem for the underdog.
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