We are excited to announce the launch of the newly designed, mobile-friendly ludwig-drums.com website.
This site provides a superior user experience while highlighting “The Most Famous Name On Drums”. Designed for the modern drummer, ludwig-drums.com features an updated portfolio of products and images for our comprehensive line of Ludwig and Ludwig-Musser percussion instruments, hardware, accessories, luggage and merchandise.
“As Ludwig explores new product innovation, we uphold our commitment and passion for bridging the past to the future,” shared Terry Bissette, Director of Sales for Ludwig Drums. “The new website provides the ideal platform for us to communicate and share what’s new with our Ludwig family.”
Ludwig-drums.com features over 300 Ludwig artists with links to tour and event schedules. The new site provides visitors the opportunity to follow and engage with the latest conversations from Ludwig Drum’s social community. In addition, musicians can access Ludwig catalogs, brochures, manuals and guides.
Visit www.ludwig-drums.com to experience the new site. Follow Ludwig Drums on social media @LudwigHQ.