Manhasset Nominated for Three Manufacturing Excellence Awards

Mike Lawson • News • July 13, 2018

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Manhasset Specialty Company has been nominated for three award categories in the Association of Washington Business’ 2018 Annual Manufacturing Excellence Awards.

The three awards that Manhasset has been nominated for are Operational Excellence, Innovation and Manufacturer of the Year.

“We’re always pleased to see great Washington state manufacturers like Manhasset nominated for our association’s top manufacturing award,” said Kris Johnson, president of the Association of Washington Business. “An employee-owned company, Manhasset is a great example of the quality of products made in our state that are shipped around the world and to the dedication the company’s entire team has to sustaining family-wage jobs and supporting the community, added Johnson.”

Dan Roberts, president and general manager of Manhasset commented, “We are honored to be nominated for these three categories in the Association of Washington Business Annual Manufacturing Excellence Awards. Everyone at Manhasset has worked very hard to improve our company’s performance in every way. The investment that has been made in plant, equipment and technology has helped the company prepare for the future and for today’s competition.”

Roberts adds, “After reading the criteria for each of these Awards that Manhasset was nominated for, all of our employees are deeply grateful for this recognition as an outstanding manufacturer in a state where so many excellent manufacturing companies operate. We will keep working hard to excel in our operations so that Manhasset is worthy of this kind of recognition every year.”


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