NAfME Shares COVID-19 Resources for Music Educators

Mike Lawson • News • March 25, 2020

With school closures around the country putting music educators on new ground for reaching students with music education in a new way, the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) has been working diligently the past two weeks to bring much-needed resources and ideas to their membership of 60,000 music educators, preservice teachers, and teacher-educators.

Coming up tomorrow and into the coming weeks will be free webinars, that also provide professional development recognition:

March 26, 2 PM ET: Teaching Students with Disabilities during COVID-19 with Alice Hammel

March 26, 8:30 PM ET: Music Education and SEL during COVID-19 with Scott Edgar

March 27, 3:45 PM ET: Online Teaching . . . Where Do I Even Start?! with Anne Fennell

March 30, 4:00 PM ET: Online Learning and Copyright for Music Educators with John Mlynczak

March 31, 12:00 PM ET: Strategies for Thriving as a Music Teacher during Uncertain Times with Lesley Moffat, Dana Varona, & Christa Kuebel

Members of NAfME Societies and Councils have provided these resources from their own original teaching experiences, music educators in their school districts, universities, communities, peers, or other trusted sources, which can be viewed here.

NAfME keeps a resource page on COVID-19 news and FAQs for music educators here.

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