NAMM Members to Return to Washington to Advocate for Music Education

Mike Lawson • News • February 23, 2017

NAMM members will return to the nation’s capital this spring for the organization’s 13th Annual Washington, D.C. Fly In for Music Education, May 22-25, 2017. As business owners and representatives, NAMM members will have the opportunity to advocate for the industry at-large to elected officials through a common mission to support the value and importance of music education to elected officials.

“I think there are two very different approaches that individuals tend to take in our democracy: either sit on the sidelines and pine away for a different outcome or jump in and help change it for the better,” said Joe Lamond, NAMM president and CEO. “This May, NAMM Members from around the country will come to D.C. in one delegation with one voice to support our industry’s core beliefs, won’t you join them?”  

The week of advocacy will begin on Monday, May 22 with a Day of Service, a chance for members to put advocacy into action with a visit to a local elementary school to meet administrators, teachers and students, and to provide musical instruction. On Tuesday, the Fly-In delegates will receive legislative briefings from lead policy experts and influencers, learn about the policies and priorities of the new Presidential administration, and receive advocacy training for meetings with elected officials both in D.C. and their home states.

On Wednesday, NAMM delegates will head to Capitol Hill to meet with Members of Congress and their staff to engage in meaningful dialogue regarding the importance of music education in their own districts and businesses. Delegates will ask for Congressional support with the implementation and funding of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which was signed into law by President Obama in 2015 and is moving toward state-level implementation. Later that evening, NAMM members will have the chance to continue their networking with other members and officials at a Celebration for Music Education Reception to be held in the U.S. Capitol Building.

On Thursday, participants are welcome to join the SupportMusic Coalition wrap-up meeting where the group will discuss the week’s efforts and develop a plan of action for advocacy in their home states.  This important roundtable will outline next steps for meaningful, local advocacy work.  

NAMM members make up an important constituency for music education at the Federal level. By participating in the Fly-In, NAMM members show solidarity to work together for access to music education for over 50 million children in the U.S. public education system, and as advocates for the many NAMM member businesses based in the United States. 

For detailed information on The 2017 NAMM Music Education Advocacy D.C. Fly-In, May 22-25, 2017, please visit:

To register to attend, please visit:

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