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    Grant Writing: Winning the Prize

    Mike Lawson | January 7, 2011

    When one considers the research, paperwork, writing, and valuable time involved with learning about and applying for grants, it’s no surprise that many are dissuaded from even trying. However, garnering funds for a school music program is an investment in the future. Securing large grants can be challenging for any program – it usually only comes with a great deal of patience. Research suggests that it is in the music educator’s best interest to build a network of foundation and corporate sponsors, for gifts both small and large. To get an idea of what organizations look for when allocating grants, SBO did some research and called upon experts, both from the educator’s perspective and that of the grant giver, who offer a few insider tips.

    If you’ve decided that you want to apply for a grant, the first step is finding a granting agency that best matches your program and needs. The easiest and most inexpensive (free) way to find the right grant opportunities is searching the Internet. The best places to search are the federal government, state governments, foundations, or private businesses, as these are the top granting entities. Grant writing seminars may be helpful, but the cost may be prohibitive. These seminars cost, on average, anywhere from $400 to $700 for a two to three-day workshop. Grant writing seminars are held all over the country and are hosted by various enterprises, including the federal government.

    If you have found the grant that you are looking for, now is the time to take the opportunity to learn from others’ oversights and gaffes in the grant writing process.

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