A school-wide theatrical production is unique in what it brings to students, an arts department, and the school itself. School plays and musicals have the capacity to unite disciplines and draw attention to many aspects of a performing arts department like few other initiatives.A school-wide theatrical production is unique in what it brings to students, an arts department, and the school itself. School plays and musicals have the capacity to unite disciplines and draw attention to many aspects of a performing arts department like few other initiatives. For student musicians, backing the school play or musical typically provides an opportunity to learn new music in a different format and work in ensembles with distinct configurations – often alongside professional or accomplished adult performers who do not typically participate in school music groups. These opportunities also provide a plethora of ancillary benefits, including an increased sense of ownership among students and, for department heads, exposure and fodder for advocacy.
For a better sense of how music departments interact with the wide variety of theatrical projects in schools across the country, SBO recently surveyed its readership; it turns out that over 70 percent of responding band and orchestra directors indicate significant involvement in their school's dramatic productions.
Do you direct or assist with pit orchestras/musical accompaniment for your school's dramatic productions?