The Lowell Mason House, a music education and advocacy organization based in Medfield, Massachusetts, has announced its Music Education Advocacy Competition.
During the autumn of 2019, participants will be asked to submit a video, song, presentation or paper that expresses their ideas on an important issue – the future of music education advocacy in the 21st century. Awards consist of a $5000 grand prize and a $1000 runner-up prize. There will also be honorable mention winners.
The Lowell Mason House is looking for the creative ideas from people middle-school-aged all the way up to senior citizens, including students, teachers, composers, performers, and songwriters.
The first due date is November 1, 2019, when the participants must register their intention to submit an entry. The due date for all award entries will be on the Wednesday after Thanksgiving, December 4. The award prizes will be awarded on January 8, Lowell Mason’s birthday.
All details can be found here.