TI:ME Announces Ryan Van Bibber As The 2022 Teacher Of The Year

SBO Staff • News • January 24, 2022

TI:ME 2022 Teacher of the Year Ryan Van Bibber

TI:ME (Technology in Music Education) is proud to announce that Ryan Van Bibber has been selected as the recipient of the 2022 TI:ME Mike Kovins Teacher of the Year Award. TI:ME is a national 503c nonprofit dedicated to encouraging and helping music teachers integrate technology into the teaching of music. The incorporation of technology into music instruction has consistently shown positive results in terms of engagement as well as 21st Century college and career readiness. The Teacher of the Year award was established in 2005 in memory of Mike Kovins, one of the charter members of TI:ME. Mike was a dedicated and generous teacher who exemplified the mission of TI:ME by teaching music with technology and helping other music teachers integrate technology into their own teaching. Each year, TI:ME chooses to recognize an exemplary teacher who leads by example of integrating technology into music education and who assists other teachers in advancing the quality of their own music instruction through technology integration. The award is highly coveted as it is undoubtedly the highest award achievable in the field of Music Technology. Through his work with Columbus City Schools, with Columbus State Community College, and with Fort Hayes Career Center, Ryan Van Bibber has shown exemplary dedication in creating meaningful and engaging music instruction with technology. Through his professional work as well as his attendance and presentations at local and national conferences, Ryan has consistently modeled and championed true excellence in teaching. His professionalism, excellence, dedication, and enthusiasm for his craft are a beacon to others of what can be done through the field of music technology, and it is for this reason, amongst others, that TI:ME is proud to award him the 2022 TI:ME Mike Kovins Teacher of the Year Award.

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