Kendor Music, Inc. has released Volume 40 Jazz Ensemble and String Orchestra Music.
The Volume 40 String Orchestra music features 18 new pieces at the grade 1-4 level, many of which are available on SmartMusic. Recordings, full scores and descriptions can be accessed at
The Volume 40 Jazz Ensemble music features 16 new charts from Kendor Music and 15 new charts from Doug Beach Music, many of which are also available on SmartMusic. Recordings, full scores and descriptions as well as SoloMate recordings are all available at SoloMate is an innovative accompaniment tool that allows the soloist in a jazz ensemble to download and practice their solo with a professional rhythm section. Designed to encourage individual improvisation and strengthen a group’s overall performance, free SoloMate recordings are available now for all Kendor and Doug Beach jazz ensemble releases since 2010.