In December I attended the Midwest Band & Orchestra Clinic in Chicago. There, I was able to meet many of our readers. We were handing out copies of our “50+ Directors Who Make a Difference” and quite a few of the awardees came by to take a picture at our booth.
Most of them were expressing what a great honor (and surprise) it was to be named. What I didn’t expect was to have so many past awardees stop by to share how much it had meant to them. Several said it resulted in a significant increase in support for their programs. One reader told me how SBO Magazine had written an article about his late father many years ago and that he regularly looked at that issue and recalled what joy it had brought to his dad.
I also met with many of our advertisers and contributors, who shared how SBO+ was important to their ability to connect with music educators all over the country. Since becoming SBO+ Editor-in-Chief, I have treasured the chance to try to provide our huge readership with articles that were relevant, helpful, and interesting. However, the interactions with so many of you last month made it clear that SBO+ and I truly have an obligation to serve the teachers who are exposing young people to the joys of musicmaking. We don’t take this responsibility lightly and hope you will continue to be subscribers and encourage others to join our SBO+ family.
Many of you may not know much about NAMM (the National Association of Music Merchants). In the past, that organization did primarily focus on the music industry. However, they have recognized that YOU are the ones who drive the music industry and so, they have dedicated major parts of their upcoming show to music education. We highlight those sessions in this issue and encourage you to add the NAMM Show to your bucket list of professional development events to attend. This issue also includes the final installment of articles by Richard Floyd drawn from his wonderful book, The Seven Deadly Sins of Music Making. These articles are must-reads for any music director. If you missed any, you can always use the SBO+ search feature.
Finally, the start of a new year comes after what was hopefully a restful winter break where you were able to recharge your batteries. Let’s all resolve to bring the passion and the energy to every music class in 2024! Check out “When We Teachers Walk Through the Door– New Teachers, Take Note” in Choral Corner for some great techniques to accomplish this.