
  • Everything Old is New Again?

    Mike Lawson | June 12, 2021So, can it be true? We are going back to some kind of post-COVID possibility? That’s sure what’s on the table right now and wishing it into existence has to be equally met with actions to make it so. It seems a lot of the same people screaming about kids going back to school are […] Read More...
  • It Don’t Come Easy

    Mike Lawson | May 4, 2021It’s a Ringo Starr song title, not incorrect grammar, per se. Isn’t it the truth? Learning an instrument is hard work. It’s fun work, but it is hard work. Maintaining your level of competence is hard work. Growing further beyond your level of competence is hard work. I finally got to return to the stage […] Read More...
  • Rust Never Sleeps

    Mike Lawson | April 7, 2021It has now been over a year since my band has performed in concert. Read More...
  • Get Back to Where You Once Belonged

    Mike Lawson | March 6, 2021Everybody wants to get back to normal. We are all tired of being cooped up in our homes, dealing with working from home, never leaving, or just going out maybe to go to the store. We’re getting so close to the end of this. Or are we? It’s hard to know. The vaccines are becoming […] Read More...
  • Perspective: The Black Roots of American Popular Music

    Mike Lawson | February 6, 2021The music that inspired and influenced SBO editor-in-chief Mike Lawson as a kid, that made him want to pick up an instrument, to sing, all had one significant thing in common: African Americans. Read More...
  • Happy New Year?

    Mike Lawson | January 8, 2021

    Well, 2020 is over. That pretty much sucked, didn’t it? I am so eager to say, “Happy New Year” and hope you all have glad tidings and wonderful months ahead, but I don’t want to jinx it. The year started out so good, so full of hope and promise with lots of exciting plans in front of me.

  • Good Riddance to 2020

    Mike Lawson | December 3, 2020

    Mercy, was the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade without marching bands just a big downer, or what? But I digress…

  • No Easy Answers

    Mike Lawson | October 28, 2020

    I don’t have any. This year sucks. It’s knocked the wind out of a lot of musicians, students, teachers, parents, and all things related. There is no national standard to follow, it’s a mess state by state times 50.

  • Take My Money…Or Not

    Mike Lawson | October 1, 2020

    The local marching band’s instruments are in bad shape. The small high school is, like so many music programs across the country, disadvantaged in many ways, with multiple inoperable and ancient instruments.

  • Tech Is Helping Keep Music Programs Alive

    Mike Lawson | September 2, 2020

    This month’s issue touches on several things that I hope will be helpful to our readers navigating the madness of reopening school music classes this year. First, I asked our associate editor Victoria Wasylak to interview an old friend of mine, Dr. Jim Frankel, who has been a pioneer in integrating technology into music instruction for well over two decades now.

  • Seeking Wise Counsel

    Mike Lawson | July 31, 2020

    Since 1996, my jobs have involved giving a voice to teachers, experts, and people who know far more about a subject than I do. Though I only wrote a couple, I published over 200 books and videos on music, audio production, music business, and technology. I seek out smart people and give them a vehicle.

  • Summertime, and the Living is Queasy

    Mike Lawson | July 15, 2020

    Well, remember when they were saying the summer heat would just about wipe this COVID-19 thing out because viruses don’t like heat? I guess none of the viruses in Florida and Texas got the message - or any of the other seasonally oppressively hot states, which is most of them. It’s a scorcher in Tennessee as I type, and we too are experiencing a surge in cases.

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