
  • Fall Math, Science, English, History Classes Canceled

    Mike Lawson | June 15, 2020

    Now that I have your attention — I am appalled. Indeed, a tad ticked, frankly. Over the past five years or so that I have been editor of SBO, I have seen amazing music programs that inspire, from the smallest to the largest level of service to students in districts rich and poor. 

  • School’s Out Completely…

    Mike Lawson | April 30, 2020

    Out for summer

    Out till fall

    We might not come back at all

    School’s out forever

    School’s out for summer

    School’s out with fever

    School’s out completely

    When Alice Cooper sang the words that every school kid in the 1970’s rejoiced in as their own personal triumphant end-of-spring anthem, they had no way of knowing just how the lyrics would apply some 48 years later. Yet, here we are. All across the world, and certainly all across the U.S.A., school is out with fever. Completely.

  • Music Educators as First Responders

    Mike Lawson | March 27, 2020

    I can’t believe my luck, last month talking about the Type A Flu I got coming home from TMEA (in my Choral Director editorial) and segueing into the need to make your program infectious, um, so to speak. Who saw this coming this severely and happening here?

  • Is it Contagious?

    Mike Lawson | March 3, 2020

    I have a quick couple of weeks in-between the TMEA show in San Antonio and the upcoming American Bandmasters Association meetings, which I had the misfortune of spending fending off Type A influenza, even though I had my vaccine.

  • Milestones for Music Ed Orgs

    Mike Lawson | February 6, 2020

    The year 2020 marks a special anniversary for a couple of organizations near and dear to me – namely, Technology in Music Education (TI:ME), which was organized 25 years ago this summer, and the Texas Music Educators Association, which celebrates its centennial.

  • Like A Road, Leading Home…

    Mike Lawson | January 10, 2020

    This issue marks the beginning of my sixth year as editor of SBO, the end of my fifth, and a small but significant milestone for me.

  • Days of Future, Passed

    Mike Lawson | December 5, 2019

    We are now officially entering the second decade of the twenty-first century. That is a little mind-blowing, but it is the decade, which toward its end, will find me turning 60.

  • If I Contact You in November, It’s Not Spam and I’m Not Selling Anything! Reply ASAP!

    Mike Lawson | November 1, 2019

    I can basically recycle this November editorial every year now, with a few modifications. The message is the same. So, allow me a little self-plagiarizing, if you will.

  • Time to get those nominations in!

    Mike Lawson | October 3, 2019

    For over two decades now, SBO has honored an instrumental music educator, one from every state. The tradition continues, but you can imagine the process is involved, and chasing down a nominated band director times 50 is daunting.

  • How Fairview High School raises over $5k annually

    Mike Lawson | August 29, 2019

    The email from the local high school band booster parent in my small town outside of Nashville, Tennessee, Fairview High School, read:

  • The Great Gig in the Sky

    Mike Lawson | August 2, 2019

    Wow, summer is wrapping up! Some of you are back in school now, the rest of you are on your way back.

  • Making Music Is For All

    Mike Lawson | July 5, 2019

    It’s an exciting couple of months for the students involved in United Sound’s new drum corps program.

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